all postcodes in NE5 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

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Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE5 5AB 0 54.987468 -1.704018
NE5 5AD 8 54.988361 -1.708935
NE5 5AE 0 54.989425 -1.71424
NE5 5AH 0 54.990445 -1.716484
NE5 5AJ 0 54.990467 -1.714421
NE5 5AL 0 54.989684 -1.713817
NE5 5AN 0 54.989908 -1.713596
NE5 5AP 2 54.990019 -1.711017
NE5 5AQ 0 54.989044 -1.709008
NE5 5AR 0 54.988774 -1.709103
NE5 5AS 0 54.990293 -1.709218
NE5 5AT 0 54.989819 -1.709955
NE5 5AU 0 54.989365 -1.708115
NE5 5AX 0 54.989831 -1.707564
NE5 5AY 2 54.988904 -1.706774
NE5 5BR 0 54.98795 -1.702405
NE5 5BS 1 54.988331 -1.701354
NE5 5BT 0 54.989262 -1.702411
NE5 5BU 0 54.988179 -1.704498
NE5 5BX 0 54.987901 -1.704422